Saturday, 4 August 2012

How A Woman Should Treat Her Man.

After a previous post THE LAWS OF KEEPING A WOMAN, I got complaints from guys that there wasn't a list for women. I support fairness and agreed!! So, I promptly got this list.

I believe this will be helpful.
• After he opens your car door and you get in, lean over his seat and open his door for him.

• Offer spontaneous back rubs. Good ones that loosen up the muscles and last a while.

• Go 50/50 on paying for the dates. Either cover your share or pay for the whole thing sometimes.

• Say 'thank you' to any nice thing he says or does. Even the smallest nice things deserve recognition.

• Pay attention to what his favourite things are. Whether you like them or not, understand them or not, at least know what his favourite things are.

• When he does something you like, let him know right then.

• Text him, or email him just to let you know you were thinking about him. (Just don't do that 15 times a day or in the middle of the night)

• Put a picture of him on your phone or somewhere so you take it with you and see it regularly.

• If he has a pet, be kind to it and at least once bring a gift for it.

• Respect his space and property. Don't go through his stuff or leave a mess.

• Hold open a door for him if his hands are full (i.e. your shopping bags!)


• Instigate sex sometimes and be an *enthusiastic* and adventurous participant.*NOTE:please i can only encourage between the married one( single ones it's an act of fornication)

• Help him coordinate his clothes. Don't let him walk around looking like he doesn't have a woman who does that.

• Don't expect him to "cuddle" during every movie, in bed every night or after sex every time. Once every three or four times, and sometimes end it before he has to ask or he moves.

• Occasionally watch movies with him that you don't like. If you make him suffer through movies he doesn't like, it's only fair.

• Compliment his talents and abilities. Be specific.

• If you are getting something to eat or drink, ask him if he wants anything.

• Ask him about his childhood, his dreams and hopes. Pay attention. Don't make fun of it.

• Never criticise or embarrass him in front of his friends or family.

• *Tell* him what you think, like, want etc. Don't expect him to read your mind or "figure it out" from body language, silence, stares, etc.

• Don't give him a stupid pet name that even a pet would be embarrassed about.

• Don't freak out about bodily functions: ie. burping, farts, etc. Unless it's deliberately inappropriate, just ignore it completely.

• Give him time alone AND with his friends. Have other hobbies so when he's busy, so are you. You should also have time alone AND with your friends.



• Bake him something you think he'd like, at least once, even if you think you're not good at that kind of thing.

• Remember to return anything of his that you borrow. Keep it clean while you have it.

• Unless it's urgent or time sensitive, give him three days to return your calls or messages before asking what's going on.

• Unless he specifically offers to share, order your own food and eat your own food, not his.

• Attempt to finish or take home food he pays for. If you paid for it, that's different.

• Show and tell him how to please you. Don't expect him to figure it out or know by how you move, what sounds you make or what you think he should know.

• Accept him, with his flaws and inconsistencies. Don't plan to give him a physical, or personality makeover. Unless you want him to give YOU a makeover too!

• Remember he has guy friends who are often rough, crass, hard and tough. Showing him sweet, kind, thoughtful, and ladylike behaviour sometimes. He'll think it's nice for a change.

• Dress up sometimes in something truly feminine. Remind him you're a female by how you look and act.

• Go with him into guy stores. Don't act bored or make fun of everything.

• Sometimes (ie. during that movie you don't like) give him a foot massage. Hand massages are great too.

• When it's just the two of you together, give him your full attention. Don't stare at, comment on or talk to other guys.

• Save your girl talk for your girls. Talk about neutral topics or things that interest him too. 

• Let him sometimes experiment with his hair or facial hair. He doesn't have to have wear it how you like it best, any more than you should wear your hair or make-up how he prefers.

• Find physical activities you can do together. Accept that you'll probably sweat and get dirty. Enjoy it. Don't complain. You can shower and change afterwards.

• Be polite and respectful to his parents and family, even if he doesn't have a great relationship with them!

• Don't put him on the spot with picking out your clothes. And don't ask for his opinions if you think you might not hear what you want.

• Ask him what he thinks and feels sometimes. Let him talk. Listen. Don't interrupt, interject your opinions, judge what he says or disagree. You don't have to agree, just *listen*.

• Ask him to teach you to do something he's good at. Really try it. Don't get mad at him if you have trouble learning it. Make it fun.

• Respect and be kind to his friends, even if you don't like them and they don't like you.

• Rub the back of his neck and play with his hair while he drives.

• Never, ever, ever ask him "does this make me look fat?" He's somehow going to give the wrong answer and then you'll get hurt or mad at him. And if you're asking that question, YOU already know the answer!

• Find out what his "fantasies" are, and help him fulfil at least one of them.


• Leave him a sexy note somewhere where only he'll find it, talking about something fun or hot you can do together or something for "his eyes only". Be prepared to back it up when he sees you next!

• Unless he asks, or it's "need to know", don't talk about ex's of any kind. If you need to discuss it, make sure you let him know you're not trying to make him jealous and say it in such a way that he'll believe you.

• When he's sick, injured, recovering or feeling low, treat him with the same kindness, patience and thoughtfulness you'd like him to show you.

• Memorise his phone number. Sure you might have him as 1 on speed-dial, but you should still have the number memorised.

• Remember dates that are important to HIM. The date he graduated from some program or company, his birthday, the day his dog died, whatever date holds significance to him.

• Swing by his job to bring him lunch or to take him to lunch. Pay for it.

• Buy sexy underwear that he would like to see you in. Pick it out together even. And wear it sometimes. Be prepared to act on it when he wants to enjoy it after seeing you though!


• Try to give him truly thoughtful gifts. (i.e. A magazine subscription for the sports cars he loves. A new set of tools that he uses for working on his bike…) This will include getting to know what he really likes and is interested in. When all else fails- ask him what he wants. Better to ask and know for sure than end up getting him something he doesn't want.

• Find out what his insecurities are and never, ever use them against him. Don't tell anyone else what they are, and don't make him feel bad about having insecurities. Everyone has some.

• If he has a favourite book- read it. Chances are if he's the kind of guy to have a favourite book, there is something in there pretty profound he'd love to be able to share with you.

• Don't get mad at him over stupid little stuff. Guys may not be the most clever at figuring out what will hurt, offend or drive you nuts, but remember 'the big picture'- unless it's a "deal breaker" (something really major) just let it go. Remind yourself of other things about him you do like. Some time when you're not upset about it, casually mention that you'd rather he not do or say that.


• Play with him. Tickle fights, pillow fights, play wrestling, squirt gun fights, washing-the-car water fights… it's fun and it keeps the feelings of affection alive.

• Come up with ideas of things to do and places to go. It's your job as much as it is his.

• Random acts of kindness. If he falls asleep on the couch, bring him a pillow or cover him up with a blanket. If he's outside working in the heat (especially if it's on your car), bring him a drink, and then give him a back rub.

• Don't ever, ever hit him. It's not okay for a guy to hit a girl, but it's also not okay for a girl to hit a guy. The one exception is if he's deliberately trying to hurt you, then it's self-defence. A good guy would never do that though.

• Admit when you're wrong. Tell him when he's right. Don't punish him for being right. Be a good sport about it. The same goes for games- cards, shooting hoops, whatever.

• Bring him flowers sometimes. Or have them sent to his job. Not only will it really surprise him, he just might return the favour.

If you do all these things (if he hasn't married you!) 10 yrs later he'll still remember you.

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